The Regional Policy Initiative for Circular Economy is being implemented by a consortium of organizations in Nepal, India, Bangladesh, and Vietnam with the support from Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI). The partner organization are Intellectuals Center (I.C) – Nepal, CWAS-CRDF CEPT University – India, Institute of Disaster Management: Khulna University of Engineering & Technology (IDM KUET) – Bangladesh, and Institute of Strategy, Policy on Natural Resources & Environment (ISPONRE) – Vietnam.
The purpose of the initiative is to conduct regional discourse on circular economy focusing on bridging the policy with effective and inclusive citizen participation. The program will focus on Municipal Solid Waste Management where citizen roles in (i) waste reduction, (ii) segregation and (iii) household/ community level recycling and up-cycling will be discussed leading to the development of the following two key outputs:
The Knowledge Sharing Workshop on 26 July is a part of the activity of the upcoming Regional Policy Dialogue. As such, the key highlights and recommendations coming from this workshop will be consolidated and incorporated into the Policy Guide document and Strategic Campaigning Guide mentioned above.
Objectives of the Workshop
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